There are a couple USA based tenkara outfits, most notably TenkaraUSA and Tenkara Rod Co. There are a couple UK places and of course the Japanese vendors. Our family has two Rods; A TenkaraUSA Iwana and a Tenkara Rod Co. Teton. These are very similar rods and either one will be fantastic for a beginner. In fact if you are on the fence, you can't go wrong buying the Teton kit. This rod is fantastic and has a swivel tip that really helps keep from getting tangled. A feature not common in entry level rods. My wife loves hers.

As for beginners if you have never touched a fly rod but always wanted to give it a go this is the style for you. I took quickly to the casting method for this simple fly fishing style as did my wife. I am talking great, accurate casts within 15 minutes of hitting the stream the first time out. None of this "It will take a full season to get a decent presentation" that I was told when I talked to the guy tying flys at the fly fishing department at Bass Pro.

So anyway this morning my wife I and woke up to a beautiful day and decided a hike at a local creek bottom trail was the perfect way to start the day. It was also the perfect chance to test out my latest piece of gear. So after a cup of coffee the three of us (No way my son was going to miss out) headed for the trail head.

We got to the wood line and the sight was beautiful. I love the colors of fall.

As we got out of the Jeep I strapped on my gear including the new piece of kit. A Trail Lite Ebira rod quiver. Special thanks to thomdarrah for getting me set up with this. I had been tucking the rod down in my Chest pack and shoving the line spool and fly box into the front pocket when I thought the opportunity for some fishing might arise. This worked but I wanted a better solution. The Ebira turned out to be the ticket.

As we headed down the trail I knew that the Ebira was going to be my new creek bottoms hiking companion. Once I put it on I couldn't feel it. It didn't stick out and catch on brush. It just carried my Tenkara gear until I needed it.

The Ebira is the perfect size. As the quote on the TrailLite website says "The Ebira rod quiver holds your rod and the gear you need on the stream. If it won't fit in the Ebira, you don't need it." That is the truth! Here is the Ebira with my gear laid out. In the quiver I had a TenkaraUSA Iwana rod. In the detachable pocket I had a line spool with my level line and spare tippet. It also fits my flybox and the retractable spool with my clippers. My forceps are a little large so I just clipped those onto the outside of the Ebira but I plan to get a smaller set that will fit in the clip on pocket. You don't have to take the Ebira off to get the rod or other gear out either which is great.

Setting up the tenkara rod is quick and easy. I quickly got to fishing. We have had a lot of heavy rain and for the last week or two this stream has been a torrent and too muddy and fast to really fish. I was optimistic that today might be a good day for it though.